CWTC Activities Feedback

Asia Kareem
Basic IT User
“I joined CWTC 2 weeks ago, It’s my second session and I’m finding it really helpful. I joined here for IT Skills and to improve myself. I find it really helpful to learn Microsoft Word, MS Excel. Workshops on Mental Wellbeing is really good and I enjoy being here.”

Shaheen Ahmed
Wellbeing Cafe User
“I really enjoyed it, I mostly attend wellbeing classes and I’ve learned quite a few things from basic skills to interesting topics.”

Shahnara Begum
ESOL Classes User
“I have learned lots of things, my English Grammar and Punctuation has improved. The teacher was really good he put me onto alot of improvements including how to speak and write.”

Community Networking Event Attendee
“I think it went really well, I think there was loads of people to network with. For example I met Bobby from Spark and was able to communicate with her to speak on Work Placement opportunities for our students.”

Yaasmin Mughees
Active Paths Attendee
“We listened to some beautiful songs from Mr Sarwar and his crew so that was a very positive thing and plus we enjoyed the weather because I think in the future it’s going to very cold so lets make the best of it. We had people from different organisations and it’s really good to see that all of these organisations that belong to different cultures, different faith are coming together to celebrate humanity, to celebrate spirituality so I think its good to have these kind of events.”

Cost of Living Crisis Attendee
“I attened this program, I must say it has been very educative, very informative becuase in our community at the moment people are in th eeconomic crisis so alot of our communty wouldn’t know wjere to get this information and solve the problems but programs like this points me to ways to help and services who can offer the support. I would highly recommend it.”