Audio Software

Level 2

Accredited Certificate through Open Awards

Unit Support


Audio Software
Level 2



Assignment and Video-based eLearning


Unit Duration

2 session per week (3 Weeks Course)


Resources Links will be enabled after registeration

Introduction to Unit Content

Learning Outcome –

The learner will:

Assessment Criterion –

The learner can:    


Be able to use audio hardware and software to
capture sequences.


1.1  Identify the combination of input device and audio
software to use to capture information

1.2  Select and use an appropriate combination of input
device and audio software to record sequences

1.3  Describe the impact file size and file format will
have on saving sequences

1.4  Identify when to use different types of information
coding and compression

1.5  Store and retrieve sequences using appropriate file
formats and compression, in line with local
guidelines and conventions where available

2 Be able to use audio software tools and
techniques to combine and edit sequences

2.1  Identify sequences to add, keep and remove.

2.2  Select and use appropriate audio software tools to
mark up and edit sequences

2.3  Organise and combine information for sequences
in line with any copyright constraints

2.4  Describe how copyright constraints affect use of
own and others’ information



Be able to play and present audio sequences.



3.1  Describe the features and constraints of playback
software and display devices
3.2  Select and use an appropriate combination of
audio playback software and display device to suit
the file format
3.3  Identify the settings which could be adjusted to
improve the quality of presentations

3.4  Adjust playback and display settings to enhance
the quality of the presentation


Contact Us

Medtia Chamber, 1st Floor, Oldham. OL1 1LP

07930 306933
