Communication in the Workplace Level 2

Accredited Certificate through Open Awards

Unit Support


Communication in the Workplace  Level 2



Assignment and Video-based eLearning


Unit Duration

2 session per week (3 Weeks Course)


Resources Links will be enabled after registeration

Introduction to Unit Content

Learning Outcome –

The learner will:

Assessment Criterion –

The learner can:    


Understand the importance of positive verbal and non-verbal interaction in the workplace


1.1  Describe the importance and benefits of positive
verbal communication with colleagues in the
1.2  Describe the importance and benefits of positive
verbal communication with customers/clients
1.3  Describe, giving examples, what is meant by nonverbal
communication and explain its importance
in face-to-face interaction
1.4  Describe the importance of clarity, tone and
manner when communicating by telephone

2 Be able to demonstrate positive verbal and non-verbal interaction 2.1  Demonstrate appropriate and inappropriate ways
of communicating verbally
2.2  Demonstrate ways in which non-verbal
communication can be used positively to support
face-to-face communication
2.3  Listen and respond to others, acknowledging their
right to hold opinions that differ from own



Be able to produce positive written
communications in the workplace



3.1  Produce written business communications in at
least two formats, using language, tone and
register appropriate to the recipient and the
formality of the situation


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Medtia Chamber, 1st Floor, Oldham. OL1 1LP

07930 306933