Health & Safety Policy
Centre of Wellbeing, Training & Culture (CWTC) is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all associates, learners and visitors, contractors and other persons having access to the premises.
Health and safety is an integral part of the learning and work activities. CWTC takes all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure:
- The risks to health and safety are properly assessed
- Risk assessments take into account specific risks to young and vulnerable learners
- Safe systems of work are devised and implemented
- Associates, learners and others are given adequate information, instruction, training and supervision in order to carry out their work and studies safely.
All associates are required to follow and comply with the health, safety and safeguarding procedures for working with and safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults that support the development of learner health, safety and welfare knowledge and understanding.
Associates are expected to attend and participate in regular team meetings to provide effective channels of communication and promote co-operative safe working practices across CWTC.
Associates Responsibilities
All associates are required to:
- Carry out their duties in a manner to ensure their own health, safety and welfare and that of any others who might be affects.
- Co-operate with CWTC on issues relating to health and safety and welfare.
- Not intentionally or recklessly interfere or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety and welfare.
- Familiarise themselves with this policy statement.
- Report any hazards in work to enable others to address these if required.
- Report any accident or incident with the potential to cause injury as promptly and as soon as possible after the event.
- Ensure they are familiar with all exit and fire exit routes for locations in which they are working and the actions to take in the event of an emergency.
Any Associates who are freelance or self-employed and are advised to have public liability insurance and professional indemnity cover. CWTC takes no responsibility for health, safety and welfare of associates in the course of their business in connection with CWTC.