Introduction to Film Making

Level 1

Accredited Certificate through Open Awards

Unit Support


Introduction to Film Making
Level 1



Assignment and Video-based eLearning


Unit Duration

2 session per week (3 Weeks Course)


Resources Links will be enabled after registeration

Introduction to Unit Content

Learning Outcome –

The learner will:

Assessment Criterion –

The learner can:    


Know about a range of film making styles


1.1 Outline three different styles of film making
1.2 Identify a filmmaking style appropriate for a chosen subject
2 Be able to use appropriate equipment to produce a film

2.1 Outline equipment required in a film production and their functions

2.2 Outline the functions of a camera for filmmaking

2.3 Demonstrate the effects that can be achieved

with a film camera

2.4 Outline the importance of health and safety in

relation to electrical equipment

2.5 Produce a small piece of film



Be able to use filmmaking vocabulary



3.1 Demonstrate using correct terminology to communicate in a filmmaking context


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07930 306933