Mental Health Awareness

Each year about one in four of us in the United Kingdom will have mental health problems.
These can range from short spells of depression or anxiety through to severe and persistent conditions that are massively disruptive, frightening and life-threatening for those who experience them.
These mental health problems can also have a terrible impact on people’s physical health. People with schizophrenia are almost twice as likely to die from heart disease as the general population, and four times more likely to die from respiratory diseases.

There are a broad range of impacts of mental illness which include:
• Self-harm and suicide
• Health risk behaviour; smoking, alcohol and drug misuse, sexual risk, nutrition, physical activity
• Physical illness, long term (physical) conditions and premature death
• Educational outcomes
• Employment
• Antisocial behaviour/offending
• Social skills People with serious mental illness do not access the best available health care and on average people with severe mental illness die 25 years earlier than the general population.

Ethnic Groups
Evidence shows that different ethnic groups have different rates and experiences of mental health problems, reflecting their different cultural and socio-economic contexts and access to culturally appropriate treatments.

CWTC provides:
Awareness sessions to Families and Support Groups on:
• What is Mental Health?
• Causes of Mental Health
• How services can help children, young people and their families
• Awareness of appropriate referral services to prevent future crises
• Access to Therapies high-quality services where and when they need them
• How can we work as a society to create awareness about mental health and also reduce stigma within communities?

Basic Understanding of Mental Health ACT 1983
CWTC delivers awareness events supported by qualified speakers on Mental Health ACT 1983.
The events will look at various sections in the act to cover different situations, each of them giving health and social care professionals different powers to admit people to hospital against their will.
This will include:
• Understanding The Mental Health Act 1983
• Mental Health Act assessments – how they work
• What is being Sectioned.
• Involuntary Admission
• Rights of Nearest Family member
• Tribunals
• Independent Mental Health Advocate
• Care at home after an involuntary admission to hospital

If you would like more information, please contact:
